Many salespeople could be so much more successful than they are. All that is needed is a willingness to stop behaviors that hurt their success and replace them with actions and attitudes that will ensure success. What are some of the factors that limit salespeople's success$%: See if you can see yourself in any of the following:
1. Believing that success in selling will be easy and fast.
2. The inability to keep yourself motivated regardless of the circumstances.
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3. Living in the past or the future.
4. A lack of consistent effort.
5. Letting yourself off the hook when you fail to reach your goals.
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6. A lack of clear focus, direction and goals.
7. Inadequate planning time.
8. Not investing enough time and cash in yourself and your skills and attitude development.
9. Low aim.
10. A failure to positively manage rejection and failure.
11. Turning the responsibility for your success over to someone else: your company, the economy, your boss, etc.
12. An out-of-control ego.
There's more, but that should give most of you some food for thought. What can we do to prevent these self-sabotaging attitudes or behaviors$%:
1. Get up an hour earlier every day and spend the time planning your day, year, career or life.
2. Start investing 10% of your income and time in your self-development.
3. Start a personal goal setting journal and live it - every day.
4. Develop a greater degree of patience, faith and trust in yourself and the world.
5. Give yourself away a little every day: your time, ideas, energy, etc.
6. Count your blessings and live with gratitude for what you have.
7. Take full responsibility for your life, yourself, your career, your future, your past. Get it$%: Take full responsibility for everything in your life.
8. Kill your ego.
9. Accept the reality that not everyone you meet, try to sell to, etc. is going to like you. It's just not that kind of world.
10. Relax and enjoy the ride.
11. Embrace change and let go of attachments to the past.
12. Start a good-stuff jar.
13. Work as if you will live forever, and live as if you will die today.