Yeast infections send more women to the doctor than just about any other cause. Unfortunately, many women have to keep going back to the doctor because the infection returns.
Most women would agree - it's not enough to get rid of your current infection. It's also important to keep it from coming back.
According to recent research, the incidence of vaginal yeast infections has doubled over the last 20 years, possibly because of changes in lifestyle, environmental changes, or mutations in some strains of the yeast organism itself. No one really knows for sure why the incidence of infections is increasing so rapidly.
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Since most of us are only aware of yeast when we get a vaginal infection, many people don't realize that over 10,000 people a year die of fungal infections caused by the same organism that makes our crotches itch and drip. Fortunately, most yeast infections are temporary. And although they're irritating and uncomfortable they're not life-threatening unless your immune system has been seriously compromised.
The yeast that is responsible for most vaginal infections and oral thrush is a tiny fungus called Candida albicans.
It is important to note that Candida doesn't technically cause a yeast infection. This yeast lives in and on most humans most of the time, and we are rarely aware of it. Something must happen to upset our internal balance or the health of our immune system before the organism becomes a problem for us. If we remember that yeast is really not the enemy, it is easier to understand how to prevent future infections.
When our system is upset, perhaps because of a hormone change, antibiotic use, or poor diet, your normally "nice" yeast can morph into an infectious form. Then as soon as your health conditions improve, the yeast can morph back to its benign form, and stop making you itch.
That's why a mild yeast infection often goes away on its own. It's also some yeast infections can be treated quite effectively with home remedies from the grocery store.
However, yeast infections will keep coming back if the underlying conditions are not improved.
Some of the things that cause yeast to switch from friendly to aggravating can be controlled by diet or lifestyle changes, while other conditions need the assistance of a health care provider. A lot of the information about yeast infections that you find on the Internet and in popular books is incorrect, so it's important that you educate yourself and stay informed about this common, aggravating, and sometimes embarrassing condition.